Today's new residential home designs have come a long way from the traditional home designs a generation ago. New homes today have taller ceiling heights, more window openings in walls, and more complicated floor and roof plan layouts that can quickly complicate what was previously considered "conventional design". LAV Engineering can provide full structural design services for new custom homes (including developing structural plans and specifications) or provide design verification of individual structural components.
In addition, LAV Engineering can work with architects or contractors to redesign existing structures so common remodeling tasks such as removing load-bearing walls or columns can be accomplished.
We provide all required structural information on the plans including beam sizes, floor framing, roof bracing, foundation layout and more, to give you the Code required support and performance that you need. We include all the applicable details and Standard Notes for the builder to follow. The final plan is reviewed in-house to ensure accuracy and sealed by a Professional Engineer.
Hiring a structural engineer to assist in the design of your new home will insure superior structural performance while adding long-term value to what may be your single largest personal investment. The engineer will work closely with you and your architect to design the structural-frame of the home, including the foundation, walls, floors and roof and any other special items that require structural design. The structural engineer may also recommend that your soil be tested to determine the type and quality of the material the house will bear on. A soil test can also expose problems hidden from view, such as buried trash and rubble or other poor soil conditions that might affect the rate and manner of settlement of the home. Designing your home for the soil condition specific to your geographical region is one of the easiest ways to prevent foundation problems in the future.